These photos are from my latest project called
Drawn Together. The modus operandi is fairly straight forward. Various artists gather to create art together in a sort of graphic jam session. The great thing about this process is that anybody can join in, whether they are an accomplished draftsperson or someone with no training at all. These drawings were done at an open house at an art shop in my East Toronto neighbourhood called Artisans At Work. An artist friend and I anchored the event while guests to the open house were invited to participate. I had expected a few people to drop by and do a bit of drawing and then leave but several participants stayed for the whole two hours.

What started as a casual collective art project turned into a cultural-social interaction. A young couple from France, who are in Toronto studying English as part of an immersion program, found the workshop a perfect opportunity for them to practice their English. Other participants included a retired teacher, office workers, a fashion designer, and local kids. My goal is to make art with various groups of people.